A Floral Ribbon Showplace

Project Summary

Bursting with a diverse array of herbaceous perennial flowers, planted consiously in waves and ribbons to naturalize in colorful show, this garden grows a dynamic tapestry of color sweeping across the wide frontage of this property. A spectacular display, now maturing after several years of careful stewardship by our client, this garden is displaying its true glory. Desiring a water-wise lawn-free lifestyle, our client was also keenly interested in providing carefree colorful forage material for pollinators and songbirds. Our bold ribbon concept was the perfect aesthetic statement to meet our client’s requirements! Flowers, foliage, textures abound as one strolls the durable, crunchy gravel pathways through the flower ribbons.

Turning the corner, the pathway leads through a native food forest, planted with several native shrubs, fruit producing trees and hardwoods. The space is meant to be a wild zone, mostly left to take care of itself with maturity, forming a private thicket teaming with habitat and respite for neighborhood backyard wildlife. Pollinators need corridors and resting spaces. This space is perfect for their needs.

Just a few feet away, a stone slab step system drops the garden guest from the upper terrace yard to a very tended space below, where our client raises tons of veggies and herbs in sturdy raised boxes. She can supervise her whole wonderland from her overlook above, atop an oversized stone terrace, serving as a lovely outdoor living extension from the house.

Another Heavenly Vision Created on Earth, conceived and curated by The Garden Angels! Our signature is to design for beauty, habitat, sustainability and function, and this garden is a perfect example of our philosophies: a lively, beautiful place where proprietor and plants thrive, and pollinators find their sanctuary.

Project Details
>.02 acres
The Garden Angels, Autumn Leaf Landscaping, Heaven & Earth Landscape Construction
Landscape Design/Master Plan, Budgeting and Bid Dox Development, Planning and Conceptional Design, Budget Development, Spatial Composition, Master Planning, Construction Consultation, Schematic Design, Design Development, Drought Resistant Planting Design, Custom Carpentry Design, Porous paving, Nursery Stock Acquisitions, Custom Garden Carpentry Design
Key Aesthetics
  • Lawn-Free Landscapes
  • Naturalistic
  • Xeriscape (Drought Tolerant)
Project Elements
Courtyard Entertainment Space / Custom Carpentry / SMARTĀ® Durable Low-Maintenance Water-Wise Planting Design