Ranch Style Climate-Ready Updates

Project Summary

Our climate-ready design philosophies were just what the updated aesthetic called for in this front yard remodel design. Our smart client was looking for a new spatial composition, less work, less impact on the environment. Retaining the still-healthy extant Dogwood tree, and the site’s natural privacy buffers, we carefully constructed the new look, minimizing impact on site soils. Poor drainage was corrected, social space added, raised beds for food production, SMART® irrigation solutions, stone footpath access and guess what? NO MOWING! Flying in with the “fun & functional” is a fabulous favorite for us Angels!

Project Details
>0.25 acres
The Garden Angels, IA Landscape & Nursery
Onsite Consultation & Observation During Installation, Aftercare, Budgeting and Bid Dox Development, Spatial Composition, Master Planning, Plant Acquisition, Construction Consultation
Key Aesthetics
  • Modern/Contemporary
Project Elements
Castohn Dimensional Stone Paving / Custom Carpentry / Custom Clay Brick Masonry / Drainage Mitigation / Entry Greeting & Social Space / Kitchen Garden Raised Boxes / Privacy & Sound Buffers / Restoration Juniper & Sheet Metal Raised Beds / SMART® Durable Low-Maintenance Water-Wise Planting Design